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Safe Spaces for All

Hate is not tolerated and our GMs employ safety tools and our Code of Conduct to ensure a safe table.
Code of Conduct
✅Play with confidence.

Player vetting

Each prospective community member is vetted by our onboarding team to ensure they meet our community standards.
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Over 90% campaign completions

We pride ourselves in seeing games through from start to finish
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300+ Member
Discord server

Our mission is to not only provide reliable and quality games, but also a digital Third Place for our members. Feel connected with your fellow gamers even out-of-session.
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Free community One Shots

Community resources include free one shots, game master academy channels, and office hours
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Browse our collection of campaigns with currently open seats. Once you find one that suits your taste and schedule, apply for a meeting with the GM to make sure it is a good match and meet the rest of the group!

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Just answer the below and we will reach out to find a perfect match.

We review campaign requests on a first come, first served basis. Submission of a request does not guarantee placement.

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